Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms

Good Morning!   I want to thank the entire Blue Star Moms organization for the support and kindness that they have extended to the 40th Infantry Battalion.  My team and myself were delighted to receive such a thoughtful care package.  It truly put a smile on our faces and made our day.  It is nice to see that Americans like yourself still have us in your thoughts and prayers. We appreciate the support and time that you have taked out of your day to brighten our day.  Our entire team was delighted and sat around trading magazines and food with each other.    It was the closest thing to Christmas that we have had over there.

Thank yo again and we appreciate the support. From 1LTType your paragraph here.

Photos from very happy U.S. Army Soldiers deployed!

Latest thank yous from the care packages we packed and sent at the Folsom Community Service Day, September 2023

Photos from the USS John "Big Bad John" McCain, message: "We started receiving your boxes yesterday and we wanted to thank you all so much for the goodies!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

From an email on March, 2019 

Dear Ms. Jan Rusk and all members of the Rolling Hills Blue Star moms,
 On behalf of our Captain , XO, CMC and all the MITCHER men and women, I would like to thank all of you for your generosity and kindness in sending us several care packages of assorted goods- books, magazines,  delicious snacks, and personal cards etc.  Last night I included in our evening prayer, the message that was written by Diane and she wrote “ Thank you for all your sacrifice and service. I want to offer my heartfelt thanks for all you do for our country. You are true heroes!”  Her message and your kind and generous gifts uplifted our spirits to keep going strong in our noble mission of serving God and our beloved Country. 
 Once again, thank you for  your sole mission which is to support the military and their families.  We do appreciate your very important mission.  You are our heroes too!

Good Morning! I wanted to send a huge thank you to everyone who sent out packages to us here on deployment.  It was unexpected and an amazing surprise. This is my first deployment and I am single so I wasn't expecting a care package. Receiving one from you all really raised my morale. Thank you to everyone involved. We service men and women truly appreciate all you do.

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the carepackages you sent us in Kuwait! It is  much appreciated. from Jonathan H

From a Facebook message on March 22, 2019:

"got care packages from yall today!

I have them here at the barracks at the front desk for soldiers to grab what they need/want when they get off work. Jan Rusk was the sender,

Cheers from South Korea!"

May 15, 2018

We received a wonderful thank you from our last packing party. This is one of the units that received several of our boxes. They have set up a “store” in the Chapel for their unit. This particular unit is living very primitively and our boxes are much appreciated!!!

“Good morning! My name is SGT ——, Lily. I am 22 years old, active duty, and have served for 4 years in the best army in the world. I am currently stationed at Camp Arifjan, Kuwait for 1 year. I would like to thank you all so sending my unit and I some care packages the past few months. We stay very busy and support 2 major bases in Kuwait. This was such an amazing gesture for our soldiers over here. Keep doing what you’re doing, because I promise it makes everyone thankful for being thought of!”

                                                                        November 2018 from Facebook message

Letters of Thanks from our most recent care packages sent out from our Folsom Community Service Day on  October 25th Care Packages for the Military Overseas

From a LTC in the US Army, writes, "I would like to send a sincere thanks to the Rolling Hills Blue Star Moms from the troops and civilians currently deployed to Saudi Arabia.  To my complete surprise, five care packages were received from your organization.  Not sure how my name made it to your list, but none the less, they were a very welcome surprise and love the fact that organizations like yours are still sending boxes to the troops.  I have placed each of the boxes in various different locations where the troops/civilians can pick and choose from the many items inside.  The goodies will probably be gone within the next month as everyone just finished our official Physical Fitness test and weigh in - so eating snacks is OK for the next 6 months!  Please let all the volunteers know that we fully appreciate all the effort and care put into the collection, packaging, and sending of these "back home goodies"  Our gratitude and thanks go out to everyone for reminding us that folks back in the USA still think about our deployed troops.  God Bless."  LTC Tom D., US Army, Saudi Arabia

From a LT in Afghanistan writes, "I was truly blessed to received multiple care packages from your organization a few days ago.  It is clear that these are packed with love and caring and I wanted to express how much that means to us over here.  Getting "Stuff" is great, but it is really knowing that we are in the thoughts and prayers of those at home is the highlight of a care package.  Rest assured, I am spreading the love and have handed out the care packages to several different group around my organization.  It always brings a smile. THANK YOU!"  LT Nicole W., Afghanistan

From a Staff Sergeant in the Marines writes, "I want to thank you for the recent care packages you have been kind enough to put together for me.  It is definitely a morale booster to get a package out here loaded with all sorts of goodies.  I have always had a sweet tooth so getting the candy and girl scout cookies is great, since we have very little access to such.  Thank you again," SSgt. Christopher B, somewhere in the ocean.

Thank You Letters from the Troops

Every so often we receive a thank you from the troops for the care packages that we send, here are just a few...